Friday, November 14, 2008

My Fluevog Obsession

A few months ago, while surfing around on the Internet, I made the tragic mistake of discovering some of the most interesting shoes I have ever laid eyes on. I say it was a tragic discovery because, while everything I see or read about them is ultra positive (including fit, comfort, quality, style, fascinating design, pure unique funkiness and satisfied customers) – the price per pair is what I, on my real life (opposed to imaginary or wishful) budget would definitely consider prohibitive. The shoes I’m speaking about, of course, are Fluevogs (designed by John Fluevog @ ) and the designs are amazingly unique. Two of my favorites (so far) are…

Lily Darling – seen here in a lovely cherry red with black trim - which, depending on your source, run approximately $240.00.

And Giulia – going for a whopping $300 per pair

Well, big price tag or not, every time I see these shoes I feel more resolved to have them eventually. So, this may turn out to be an interesting experiment in the power of determination!

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